
Well, I didn’t really do much in the lines of celebrating this year as the party that i was invited to was canceled at the last minute due to raise covid-19 cases. According to the NY Times the state of Michigan has reported 1.71 million cases and cases are still on the rise. So perhapsContinue reading “Celebrate”


In the foreground we see one Mr.Copper and in the distance in you can see one Mr.Finn peaking out of the hall to see if there are cookies being consumed. They were not because I need to go to the store to buy these poor, poor puppers some cookies. Tune in tomorrow for the nextContinue reading “Distance”

Photo Art Friday: See You Soon Space Bork-Bork

In his latest attempt to escape being petted, Mr.Finn the Golden Retriever has deiced to journey to outer space. What sort of adventures and shenanigans will he find? Do you think he’ll get to space before all those whacky billionaires who keep building those rockets? One things fore sure; he’s going to pull that weight!Continue reading “Photo Art Friday: See You Soon Space Bork-Bork”

Monochrome Monday: Afternoon Nap

My mother used to say that if she could come back as anything it would be as one of our dogs because evidently they have it made; nap all day long, walks twice a day and plenty of doggie cookies you could eat, not to mention the occasional people food handouts that she and myContinue reading “Monochrome Monday: Afternoon Nap”

Monochrome Monday: A Dog and His Ball

Such is the life of a model; all that he wants is chase after his ball but work must come first, so make sure you strike your best pose as you look at the camera! Hope you are having a good Monday! Please be sure to like this post or leave a comment and tellContinue reading “Monochrome Monday: A Dog and His Ball”